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  • #2141563

    Are any Windows 10 native apps relevant anymore?

    by zamsam676 ·


    I don’t mean to offend anyone, but it has started to feel like the native Windows 10 apps (especially UWP apps) like Photos, Movies & TV, Groove Music are too heavy/slow to work with and even inconsistent to certain degrees. They are useless.

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I use vlc after I migrated to Windows 10 from Windows 7, and I hate Movies and TV app, it’s bad when it comes to opening media files like mkv – why doesn’t it support mkv and even basic controls of a simple video player.

    Photos is way too slow, sometimes it takes ages to open a photo, its user interface needs serious improvements. On the same note, Groove music, it looks good but isn’t fast, it takes its own time to add the music file, I mean c’mon.

    Can someone please suggest a faster Photos app

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    • #2412908
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      The apps you mention are free.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Are any Windows 10 native apps relevant anymore?

      Doesn’t mean they have to be great.

      But to cast all “Windows 10 native apps” into the bin seems extreme. But hey, why not use what you like?

      Answer to topic question: Not relevant or good enough for you.

      Answer to replacement apps: My first place to check for better FREE apps is

    • #2412904

      native apps

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Are any Windows 10 native apps relevant anymore?

      “That’s the only way to create a fully native app to reach all the devices and … So in a way, your comment is more applicable to Win32/WPF.

    • #2412863

      No they aren’t, Windows is Windows

      by mengwee1 ·

      In reply to Are any Windows 10 native apps relevant anymore?

      Every other app should be personalized and each individual should use whatever he or she wants. Developers, however, may simply move on to other platforms instead. In a small post, Microsoft said that it would shut down its Microsoft Ad Monetization platform for UWP apps by June 1, asking developers to find other means of funding their apps.

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