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  • #4242019

    Expand storage while reinstalling Windows 11

    by frederickchavre ·


    Dell XPS 15 9530, i9-13900H, 16GB RAM, 512 GB storage
    Win 11 home video creation and editing.
    Purchased new Crutial T500 1TB M.2 SSD.

    I got off to a terrible start. I did not, in my haste, realize that I was creating folders and saving into the cloud, had multiple desktops, etc.
    I want to reinstall a fresh Windows 11 with settings as I want them then start over. I want to use the new 1TB SSD as Disc0 and the existing SSD, 512GB, for Disc1. ( In the near future I will replace Disc 1 with permanent 2TB T500.)
    The T500s have much faster r-w speeds. Plus the increased storage. I will back up as I see fit, MANUALLY, as needed. I want control on back ups and telemetry.

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    • #4242049
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      Reply To: Expand storage while reinstalling Windows 11

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Expand storage while reinstalling Windows 11

      Go ahead, I’d say. Install Windows 11 on your new SSD, and configure it as you want. What’s keeping you from doing it?

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