HELP! Why won’t my headset microphone work?
Just bought my dad a brand new Beexcellent GM-7 Pro Gaming Headset, and the microphone does not work.
The speakers work fine, and I can hear sound through the headphones. After trying to find a solution on the internet, I watched a video about the differences between 3/4 pin 3.5mm jacks. However, this doesn’t seem to be the problem, as I have tried using an adapter (from 4 pin to 3 pin speakers/mic jacks) and plugging them in the green/red ports in my desktop, and still no success.
I have ensured that the microphone switch is turned on and the volume is turned up.
I have checked in the “manage audio devices” section of the control panel, and the only option is a Realtek(R) Audio microphone (which has NO sound coming through it), a Line-In which is “not plugged in” and a Stereo Mix which is “disabled”.
There is one interesting detail; when I flick my microphone switch (on my headset) on and off, a spike of volume appears on the Realtek(R) Audio microphone. Nothing happens, however, when I speak into it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks, -Will