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  • #2141379

    How do I get a list of apps to reinstall after a “reset”

    by plusmetal916 ·


    Hey guys,
    My computer is running Windows 10H2. It was upgraded from Windows 7, I have no install media.

    The “run as admin” doesn’t work so I may need to do a “Recovery”, “reset”.

    If I reset I need to reinstall a lot of programs, “Apps and Features” says 173! How do I get a full list of these so I can find the install sources? I think it would be insane if MS expect me to manually create a list from “Apps”.

    I’m also sure I’ve got some stuff that wasn’t installed but just runs from the .exe. I’m work on my website https://www.****.com my all work done on chrome and other browser, so please help me to find out

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