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  • #2144937

    iPhone XR Hard ware issues – what am I entitled to?

    by m_xr ·


    I have been having a range of issues with my 11 month old iPhone XR since I got the phone, I have sent it away once and have had it in to Apple store 3 times.
    The main issue is with connectivity as it often says no service when I should have service and due to the hoops Apple has made me jump through it has been put down to hardware issues.
    I recently spoke with an Apple expert technician who told me that because it is hardware I should be entitled to 3 options; take to Apple certified repair centre, send away, or express replacement.
    As there have been so many issues with this particular phone I opted for the express replacement as I just want rid of it at this stage and told the Apple rep that this was the only option I wanted because of this. He then tried this for me with no success and handed my case over to a senior advisor who told me that my particular XR was not suitable for the express replacement due to some firmware on it (but not on all iPhone XR’s) and therefore I am not entitled to the same options as another iPhone XR holder, and that my only option is to take the phone to a non-Apple repair centre and put myself at risk because of this!
    I want to know if anyone has any information about this because as far as I was concerned when I bought my phone outright I was spending the same money as anyone else buying an iPhone XR?! Why am I entitled to less?!

    Any information on this “firmware” is appreciated as I feel Apple may just be giving me the run around because my warranty is up next month.

    Just a side question: I have been in and out of Apple about this issue for 6 months to no avail – can Apple legally wash their hands of me when my warranty runs out? Or can I fight that my case was open before the pandemic?

    Thanks in advance,

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