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  • #2075458

    McAfee webscanx left behind after uninst


    by techpro57 ·

    So far this has been the ultimate catch-22 for me:

    1. McAfee VirusScan was uninstalled on a Win 95 machine.

    2. Upon reboot and after the Win desktop appears, an error window now pops up: “Program not found: Webscanx.exe” (or something like this).

    3. Here’s the gotcha: apparently, Webscanx.exe has been “associated” with the file type “Application”, and so every time ANY .exe is run it tries to “open” the application with webscanx.exe. But since webscanx.exe has been uninstalled and is no longer to be found on the system, we get the “program not found” error message.

    4. It was suggested by McAfee support to edit the registry via Start>Run>regedit, but when I tried this—gotcha!—I got the same “program not found” error message.Again, it was trying to “open” this application (regedit) with webscanx.exe.

    5. I thought of reinstalling McAfee, but—gotcha—it won’t run the setup.exe file from the CD!

    6. I’m now stuck. I am not a super-duper techno-geek so I’m not sure what to do next. It s

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    • #3784181

      McAfee webscanx left behind after uninst

      by dmiles ·

      In reply to McAfee webscanx left behind after uninst

      This is one option you may try and that is open windows explorer and locate the in the c:/program file folder and right click and select delete.
      In regedit go to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\McAfee Virus Scan and right click the key delete
      In Start>Find>Files or Folders,type in the file name and when found double click and if file comes up try to delete.
      This file may be associated with another application that you still have operating or with another virus program.Try any option that may help.

    • #3784177

      McAfee webscanx left behind after uninst

      by mckaytech ·

      In reply to McAfee webscanx left behind after uninst

      This is an interesting one… and I would certainly try what the first answer suggested.

      The other thought I had is that from within DOS, the file associations don’t apply. Could you boot into DOS and then edit the Registry? I’m not sure, butI think regedit will run under DOS.


      • #3784175

        McAfee webscanx left behind after uninst

        by techpro57 ·

        In reply to McAfee webscanx left behind after uninst

        Problem has been solved by a third party (not by me): it was a virus! And was successfully cleaned up via Norton Systemworks. Thanks for the effort!

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