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  • #4004971

    Run a webtool on the client’s computer?

    by b1arney ·


    Hello everyone.

    How do you do in practice at the code level to run a webtool on the client’s computer?

    As an example, I have a webtool that allows me to modify pictures.

    How can I prevent the user from having to forcibly upload the picture, which, especially if they are high-quality png images, is time-consuming?

    Is there a way to have the tool function on the file without needing to load it?

    I’ve come across some program that does this. It is, in my opinion, extremely important when it comes to large files like videos and music.

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    • #4004972
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      Re: webtool

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Run a webtool on the client’s computer?

      What exactly is the “webtool” you’re talking about? You can’t run code that isn’t on the users computer.

    • #4004977
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      Not enough detail.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Run a webtool on the client’s computer?

      But many web sites and even Discord limit the upload size. Your CODE on your site will have to check for size and then handle it. You can’t stop the upload but you can fail to progress with work until they upload inside the limits you put into YOUR CODE.

      That’s the key here, it’s YOUR CODE to add such checks into.

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