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  • #4254926

    UAC permissions prompt

    by Jctech2025 ·

    Hi All,

    I have two thoughts here that I’m hoping can get insight in one shot. I have a client on their Windows 10 machine, they get a UAC prompt for permissions when they
    One, try to added themselves to the user permissions on a folder when they hit “properties”
    Two, they try to modify their IP address settings on their network adaptor to test connection

    I know these are two different settings but they get the same UAC prompt, so I’m trying to figure out if this is a registry setting forced by GPO or something else.

    As an example of the prompt they get for the network adaptor settings, I found this article How can a user change network adapter properties without admin permission? – Microsoft Q&A, but it looks like maybe there are steps missing.

    Any insight is appreciated.

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    • #4254988
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      This is normal, expected behavior…

      by Wizard57M-TR ·

      In reply to UAC permissions prompt

      If the user is running in a non-administrator account, they will have to have the admin account name
      and password prior to any system level changes being applied. This is for security purposes, and it
      helps prevent accidental changes, deletions, additions etc that may not be desired.

    • #4277067

      Understanding UAC Prompts for Permissions

      by dwestbrook383 ·

      In reply to UAC permissions prompt


      The UAC prompts in these scenarios are likely tied to administrative privileges required for both actions. Here’s a breakdown:

      Adding Permissions to a Folder:

      Modifying folder permissions often requires admin rights, especially if the user is not the owner or the folder is in a protected directory (like C:\Program Files).
      Modifying Network Adapter Settings:

      Changes to IP settings or other adapter properties usually need admin rights unless specific permissions have been delegated via GPO.
      Possible Solutions:
      Group Policy Review:
      Check if there’s a GPO enforcing these restrictions. The path for network permissions is:
      Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Network Connections.

      Delegated Permissions:
      For folder permissions, ensure the user has been added to the folder’s security settings as an owner or editor.

      Testing Without Admin Privileges:
      The Microsoft Q&A you mentioned might need additional steps like scripting or pre-configured profiles to bypass admin requirements.

      Let me know if this helps narrow it down!

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