Why does 1 packet lost disconnect me from all of my online services?
I am connected directly to my router with an ethernet cable. I’ve been having this internet connection issue where I would have my regular high speed internet, but at random times it would just disconnect me from one of my apps for a moment. For example, I could be playing an online game, streaming, and talking to a friend and all of a sudden they all disconnect but just for a moment. The issue is that this would completely shut down my stream and kick me to the main menu for my game, but my voice call would be fine. I opened a ping to and ran my games and stuff and found that I lost just 1 packet out of the 1312 pings that were sent, and that caused my stream and game to disconnect. I’ve tried driver updates, firmware updates, network resets, cable replacements and the like, but nothing has fully fixed the problem. I’m assuming that it is an issue with my built in ethernet port, so I’m thinking of getting a new network adapter but I just want to make sure.
Edit: I was also pinging my router and ISP during this and neither suffered any packet loss