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  • #4253728

    Why does changing Apple ID resolve Bank Online login problem?

    by gavottetreat03 ·

    I need help understanding why changing Apple ID resolved inability to login my bank web?
    changing my Apple ID is impractical because it create havoc with my previous emails and paid APPs.
    iOS 17.6
    Locked or unlocked mode
    Windows Defender

    Erasing and reinstalling two iOS devices and login with same Apple ID didn’t help but using different Apple ID is solution.

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      Reply To: Why does changing Apple ID resolve Bank Online login problem?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Why does changing Apple ID resolve Bank Online login problem?

      For this type of question, you should reach out to your bank. I know with some banking systems that Apple iOS can be difficult or impossible to talk to each other and you might try using a different internet browser. I don’t have an answer, but I did work at a credit/debit card center for about 2 years and assisted customers like yourself when they were experiencing similar issues.

      • #4254894

        Apple device any browser with all privacy leaks personal data?

        by gavottetreat03 ·

        In reply to Reply To: Why does changing Apple ID resolve Bank Online login problem?

        It sounds like with all shields up, any browser on Apple device still sends personal data ? Otherwise, I cannot comprehend how my bank differentiates new Apple ID from my previous ID.
        I have tried all brand name browsers: Edge and Chrome besides Safari which used to work before last June.

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