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  • #2075249

    Cache buffers in Netware 5?


    by grbeckmeyer ·

    Is there a way to view the Cache Buffers Stat in Netware 5? I know it still exists, I just tried to load BackupExec on a server that has very low memory and it wouldn’t start because cache buffers were at 6%. I know this stat is not as critical with the intro of virtual memory, but it would still be nice to know.

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    • #3790368

      Cache buffers in Netware 5?

      by pschmied ·

      In reply to Cache buffers in Netware 5?

      Load Monitor. Scroll to the bottom.

      There’s a server parameter entry that can be used to view and set all the parameters, replacing the manual Set command. You can use tab to switch to the top window, and scroll down the list. Pick the category and press enter. You’ll see a submenu of parameters.

      Netware 5 is self-tuning like NW4x, but it foes one better. It remembers any tuning changes. They “stick” when you down and restart the server.

      Virtual memory isn’t something you want to use for normal operations. When you add a new server-side app on the server, increase physical RAM by at least what the app calls for as a minimum. RAM is cheap compared to ABENDs and really crappy performance.

    • #3790183

      Cache buffers in Netware 5?

      by mstrankay ·

      In reply to Cache buffers in Netware 5?

      If you are in the x-window GUI screen on the server you should either exit it or use ALT-esc to return to the text based console screen. At the console load MONITOR and memory stats are given on the summary screen, with details available if you select RESOURCES from the menu. However if you are running with only 6% cache buffers available, I would suggest adding more memory to the server. With NetWare 4 even 40% was considered low and while virtual memory on NetWare 5 might prevent ABENDS, swapping data to disk will result in poor server performance. For a temporary fix, you could try unloading all of the un-needed NLMs to free up memory while doing the backup. In particular, if you are using Oracle 8 on the server, it uses a lot of memory so you might use the ORASTOP and ORAUNLD commands to unload Oracle while doing the backup after hours.

      • #3790090

        Cache buffers in Netware 5?

        by grbeckmeyer ·

        In reply to Cache buffers in Netware 5?

        That’s how you find it in Netware 4, but “Resources” is not an option on Netware 5 Console monitor. I saw the 6% on a loader screen for BackupExec, so I’m pretty sure the stat still exists, but there is no way to view it in Netware 5.

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