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  • #3937977

    Fixed IP on machine that cannot be change conflict with company network

    by mongars972 ·

    Hi Everyone,

    A machine in our company is currently sending its data to a PC that is directy connected to it with a cable network
    This machine has a hard coded fixed IP ( and cannot be changed.
    The problem is that the PC must share those data on the company network that by chance, or not, uses the same IP range and this specific IP is already ued by our DC, that is also app server and more. Therefore changing the DC ip address has too many impacts and cannot be done.
    Currently the PC has 2 network cards, one connected to the machine and one connected to the company network. A little script is activating/ shutting down one network card or the other demending on the need but this is unstable and the PC has to be restarted regularly. This is a workaround anyway since the goal is to have access to the machine and the company network at the same time of course.

    Does any of you have a (simple) solution to this? a router in between (if yes how to configure it? Or is there a device on the market that simulates another IP?

    Many thanks for your help already! 🙂


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    • #3939365
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      A router sounds like a good fix.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Fixed IP on machine that cannot be change conflict with company network

      The IT staff must be able to configure it or we need to talk to HR about finding replacements. I see no reason to keep IT leads that can’t configure a router.
      Yes that sounds harsh but they are in over their head and not keeping up with the demands of the job(s) at hand.

      -> That out of the way almost any router can be configured with a set IP for use on the company (the WAN port of the router) then the “can’t change the IP” PC goes to one of the LAN ports of the router.

      But no, I can’t supply a step by step for this since routers and networks vary. Your IT lead must do this or outsource if if no one in the company can configure the router and network to make this work.

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