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  • #2141006

    How would an engineer organize the whole monitor system?

    by vicban05 ·


    So my family want to have the hotel redecorated during summer (since winter is the hot season in that area). In that case, we plan on replacing the security system with a new one; the old one was too simple and some cameras are even fake ones, no use at all.

    Unfortunately, none of our us have experience in the hotel business. I think we should arrange an engineer position to organize the whole thing so we don’t need to worry about it. I would like to know the job position and how this person would take care of the CCTV in a hotel? Could anyone share about this. Much appirciated

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    • #2419794
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How would an engineer organize the whole monitor system?

      Fake cameras are part of the security system. These can be what we call OVERT cameras (fake or not) with covert cameras recording the area.

      Calling them of no use only means you need to sit and discuss with the company you plan to hire to plan and install your system.

      Again, the newer the person is to CCTV the more misconceptions you have to work through. This is one of them.

    • #2419753

      Long answer

      by cindy19851111 ·

      In reply to How would an engineer organize the whole monitor system?

      Hi, I work for an integration company reselling Axis, Milestone and SkyREC for years. Most hotels use a third-party installer, and possibly even an off-site monitoring company. Others may use the same company that does their fire alarms.

      So if you want to hire an employee to handle it, I think someone with a security background should not be hard to find in the market. Then maybe you can consider hiring a company to pull the majority of the cables to each of the locations, and then your employee comes along behind them to do the actual connections and the rest parts.

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