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  • #3937472

    Network security upgrade and adding VPN

    by 300zxsteve ·

    Hello all,
    I currently have a TP-Link router. I have the following services running:
    * Minecraft and Valheim game servers
    * Photo website

    I want to add VPN NordVPN to the network but my current router does not support VPN client login.
    I am looking to upgrade the router to something like ASUS TUF Gaming AX5400 so that I can provide network wide VPN, however I have a few questions
    1) Will the gaming an photo website services still be accessible from outside the network, i.e. inbound traffic
    2) Has anyone got experience with this router
    3) Instead of updating router can I add a VPN router inside the network for all of the outbound traffic only? I have a managed switch so can configure traffic etc.

    Any thoughts much appreciated

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    • #3940039

      This is what you need to do first…

      by old molases ·

      In reply to Network security upgrade and adding VPN

      Before opting for a VPN do check the service provider for its support on the hardware you choose. For example, I use Ivacy and they have support on the following hardware for Asus:
      Asus RT AC87U
      Asus AC3100
      Asus RT-AC3200
      Asus AC2900
      Asus AC1900
      Asus OnHub
      If you they support your desired hardware the customer support team will help you configure the VPN as well.

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