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  • #2143732

    Wifi disconnects / How can I figure out the cause?

    by angelus_1984 ·


    Hello everybody,

    I use my notebook throughout the day for work. Since I unfortunately have no ethernet plug in my office and would not want to pull meteres of cable throughout the whole flat, I am on a Wifi connection.

    Windows 10 (Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134)
    shows me that I am connected but now more than before at various points of the day I can’t access the web. i usually then disconnect via the Windows interface, connect again and it works… for some time. It is frustrating.

    Now I realize there could be some problems here from the software to the notebook hardware, to the router (Fritzbox), to the ISP (Unitymedia). So is there some protocol I could follow to find where the problem might be and fix it?

    Thanks in advance.


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