Top 20 Apple keyboard shortcuts for business users (free PDF)

Having a go-to set of Apple keyboard shortcuts can greatly boost your users’ productivity. Here are some handy tricks worth remembering.

From the list:

For Apple users, proprietary keys can be daunting at first, but they offer a host of timesaving shortcuts to make your workday easier. There are the old standards, such as cut and paste, but you can take it so much further.

Command + Spacebar
This shortcut opens the Spotlight search and moves your cursor into the search bar. This is a great tool to help you quickly get to a buried file or folder.

Shift + Control + power button
If you use multiple displays, this trick will be especially helpful. It immediately puts all displays to sleep.

Command + Shift + G
When you have a Finder window open, this shortcut to take you straight to a specific folder. Simply enter the folder path in the Go To The Folder Field and hit Go to navigate directly to the folder.

Command + bracket key
In Finder, if you press Command and the left bracket key ([) you can move to the previous folder. Pressing Command and the right bracket (]) will take you to the next folder.

Option + Shift + Command + V
This trick is a lifesaver for anyone who regularly works in Safari. It’s a shortcut for the Paste And Match Style command, which lets you copy and paste something without bringing along its formatting.

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