A workflow is defined as the sequence of processes through which a project, or a part of a project, passes from start to finish. In other words, it’s how you do what you do. Sort of.
It can also be more than that, especially in the field of agile development, where automation comes into play. Don’t leave that workflow to chance. You should use any tool you can to make that workflow efficient, repeatable and flexible.
SEE: Hiring kit: Project manager (TechRepublic Premium)
To do that, you have to first create a workflow. If you’re familiar with project management tools, you probably understand there are plenty of features available to help you manage those workflows. ProofHub is no stranger to workflow; I would go so far as to say ProofHub gets workflow better than most.
How can I say such a thing? There’s a feature with ProofHub that allows you to create multiple workflows for a project and easily select between them. Say, for instance, you have Project X, which is quite complex and involves multiple teams and a lot of moving parts. For such a project, a single, inflexible workflow might not cut it. Instead, the project could benefit from different workflows that list out numerous paths to success. Those paths could be associated with a specific task, team or process. Whatever workflow you need, ProofHub has you covered.
What you’ll need to create multiple workflows with ProofHub
The only things you’ll need for this are a valid ProofHub account and a project to work with. That’s it.
How to create a new workflow for a ProofHub project
The first step is to log in to your ProofHub account. Do that and then navigate to the project you want to work on. In the left navigation, you’ll see a list of the various workflows associated with the project. If you hover your cursor over one of the existing Workflows, you’ll see a three-dot menu button. Click that button and then click Edit from the pop-up menu (Figure A).
Figure A

In the resulting pop-up window (Figure B), you’ll see a drop-down for Associate Workflow. Click that entry.
Figure B

From the Associate Workflow drop-down, click Add Workflow. You will be prompted to save your changes. Once you do that, a new pop=up will appear (Figure C), where you can name the new workflow.
Figure C

Once you’ve named the workflow it will appear in the Workflow manager list (Figure D).
Figure D

Click on the new Workflow and you can start adding stages by typing in the Add Workflow Stage area and hitting Enter on your keyboard (Figure E).
Figure E

Once you’ve added all the necessary stages, you can go back to your project, select the new workflow and start working. Keep repeating this process until you’ve created all the associate workflows you need for your project and enjoy the newfound flexibility.
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