The Microsoft Edge web browser is heavily integrated with both the Windows 11 and Windows 10 operating systems. For all intents and purposes, Edge should not be removed or uninstalled from your system under any circumstances. However, many users continue to look for ways to remove Microsoft Edge despite the possible consequences.
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In Windows 11, there is a way to uninstall the Edge browser with a well-constructed command entered into the command prompt of the correct folder. The method is similar to the method used to remove Edge from Windows 10, but the caveats and consequences to its removal are even more pronounced. You have been warned.
How to uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 11
First, a clarification. This method will uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 11, but it will not change which browser your system considers its default. You must first install a new web browser onto your system and make it the default browser. Changing your default web browser to something other than Edge is a simple process and should be done before you attempt to uninstall Edge completely.
Once your new browser is installed, perform a search for “default apps” in the Windows 11 search tool and choose the appropriate settings result. Scroll down the page of default apps and choose Microsoft Edge (Figure A), and then change default settings to a different browser or app. Once you have changed your default web browser, you can proceed to uninstall Edge.
Figure A
Clarification number two. You cannot uninstall Microsoft Edge using normal methods. The process must be completed via the command prompt, and that command prompt must be located in the appropriate folder.
The first step is to find the appropriate folder. Open File Explorer and navigate to this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\101.0.1210.32\Installer
Note: The version number (101.0.1210.32) could be different on your system.
Copy the complete navigation sequence through the Installer folder onto the Windows clipboard (Figure B). We will use this saved sequence to redirect the command prompt to the proper folder.
Figure B
Type “command prompt” into the Windows 11 search tool and select the appropriate item from the search results, making sure to select the administrative rights option (Figure C).
Figure C
With the command prompt open, type or copy these commands, using your version number of course:
cd Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\101.0.1210.32\Installer
At the end of this sequence of commands, your command prompt should reside in the correct folder (Figure D).
Figure D
Now, type this command and then press Enter to uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 11.
setup.exe --uninstall --system-level --verbose-logging --force-uninstall
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To reinstall Microsoft Edge, search for the app on the Microsoft Store and install it onto your Windows 11 PC from there.
Again, it is important to emphasize that taking the drastic step of completely uninstalling Microsoft Edge from your Windows 11 device is not necessary, nor is it recommended. Changing your default browser will accomplish the same result and will avoid potential unpredictable and unforeseen adverse consequences.